October 16, 2024

Aqueelah Jordan: Is She Worthy Of Her Power?

Aqueelah Jordan has been publicly called spiteful, petty and punitive by her peers, and has shown herself to support a political and racist agenda.

In the 2023 case charging two police officers with misdemeanor assault and dereliction of duty,  defense attorney Henry Hillow stated that Jordan’s actions were “totally unconscionable and irresponsible”. Another defense attorney called the issuance of an arrest warrant vs a summons in 2023 for an incident that occurred in 2021 an abuse of power. The issuance of the warrant became even more irresponsible and wasteful of funds when the fact that the incidents had been previously been cleared by a federal agency came to light. Police union president, Jeff Follmer, was reportedly calling for Jordan’s job, stating that the men are hard-working officers who risk their lives to get guns off the street.

Ms. Jordan stated in response to the criticism that the warrant was issued because citizens had received harm. That so-called harm, as recounted by Jordan in an interview painted a picture of a man who was being handcuffed, his arm that was behind his back was lifted and the perceived victim said “Ouch”. In Jordan’s mind, that qualified as an incident of physical harm or violence. The video evidence of the incidents were never released to the public.

In another case, Aqueelah Jordan exhibited a clear bias in favor of a sex offender who had a history of stalking and violence. When Prosecutor Aqueelah Jordan represented known Sex Offender Steven Rodgers, Aqueelah was under intense scrutiny following an incident on October 2, 2022. The family of Steven Rodgers, who were neighbors of Kelly Slobodian and Mark Thomas viciously attacked them in front of their own home. Stevens’ family brutally attacked first Mark, then broke into the house pulling Kelly out to beat her. Steven stood by watching the events happen.The prior 13 years Steven Rogers had been stalking Kelly, who is in an interracial relationship with Mark Thomas. Aqueelah Jordan, has been accused of exhibiting bias as she has labeled Kelly as an “entitled white woman” and Mark as a “white-washed” black man. She blatantly refused to do anything with numerous reports of dangerous behaviors from Steven. Even with video evidence of these heinous actions, Jordan has refused to charge Rodgers directly citing race as her reasoning.

Aqueelah Jordan has demonstrated time and time again a clear pattern of racial bias and a clear pattern of disdain toward others who don’t share her views. 

In one case in particular, the recent arrest of Bobby George who much like the officers above, had a warrant issued instead of a summons and when Mr George turned himself in of his own volition, he was not questioned, but immediately arraigned. The proposed bail was doubled by Judge Sheila Turner McCall, a judge who shares similar political party views and who has already received an official motion to be disqualified from her position, stating that the proposed bail wasn’t high enough. Perhaps what she meant was that a prominent republican as wealthy as Mr. George should be punished by financial means as well. 

Bobby George is clearly in the opposite camp as far as political views in the courtroom that skirted his rights. Mr George heavily supports the Republican Party which stands in direct opposition to Jordan’s views as she holds an executive position with the Stonewall Democrats as well as the judge’s views who is a registered member of the Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus.

Aqueelah Jordan abuses her authority and has brought ridiculously elevated charges against police who were already cleared of any wrongdoing. She works to deny citizens who do not share her political views or her race, and endeavors to pronounce them guilty without due process. This is a woman who uses the power bestowed upon her by all of the citizens of Ohio to push her personal agenda and it has to stop.

Our article previously stated Jordan was a current member of Zeta Phi Beta in addition to Sigma Gamma Rho, and Kappa Gamma Sigma. This was in fact incorrect information and the article has been updated to reflect that.

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