October 16, 2024

Take a bite out of the next Ohio mosquito season!

Though summer is over, are you worried about mosquitoes next year? Don’t worry as they are easy to control!

Not only are mosquitoes troublesome in spring and summer for Ohioan families who want to enjoy time outdoors with their family, but they have also been responsible for more deaths than any other animal in history due to diseases they transmit. However, the good news is that it’s easy to protect yourself with these helpful tips!

Spring Cleaning

Clear out containers or other objects on your property that can accumulate water like old grills, used tires, and outdoor furniture, as they are places where mosquitoes can deposit their eggs. Keep the lawn short, trim bushes, and remove old tree stumps near your home or workplace to eliminate potential mosquito breeding sites as well.

Bug Spray

Use bug sprays that contain between 25% and 35% DEET or 20% Picardin, which are safe to use even if you apply it on clothes! Keep in mind however, most pharmacies or stores tend to have smaller concentrations, which reduces their effectiveness and require reapplication.

Time of Day

Knowing the times of day when each species is active can also help you better protect yourself, here are some examples:
Aedes, which are active mainly during the day, at sunrise and before sunset, can transmit La Crosse virus.
Culex, which are active mainly at night, can transmit diseases such as St. Louis Encephalitis, and West Nile virus.
Anopheles, which are active after midnight until dawn, can transmit Malaria.
Culiseta, which are active early in the morning, can transmit Eastern Equine Encephalitis.

Once you have protected your family, the only thing that will be biting, is your family enjoying a burger at your next mosquito free cookout!

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